A small group of Substackers lounged in a haphazard circle of camp chairs under a canopy of maple near downtown Minneapolis, eagles soaring overhead on drafts from the Mississippi River. We talked about what was working for us on Substack, what was not. We discussed Notes and the rise of cat and dog photos. I even commented, “It drives me nuts to see post after post of cats sleeping on computers and dogs belly up in sunbeams.” Six sets of eyes widened in wonder that a statement dissing pet photos would come from a writer who writes about pets! Their reaction was my call to action.
In the wake of Nar Nadur’s WoofStack and Scott Ko’s FloofStack, I introduce to you PetStack – a celebration of cats, dogs, horses, guinea pigs, chickens, hamsters, fish, birds, and other furry, feathered, scaled, and slithering family members.
I say “family” because, yes, pets are family. Humans may have domesticated animals to serve a purpose, but in doing so, we’ve created mirrors of ourselves and extensions of those we welcome into our lives. Let’s give them their due!
This inaugural edition of PetStack features the pets – cats, dogs, horses, donkey - who grace my life and the myriad of nicknames by which they’re known. Who knows why a moniker is bestowed and even more mysterious why it sticks!
Future editions will focus on the pets of readers, followers, and friends. Each gathering of images will be curated around a theme common to humans and pets, such as intelligence, compassion, inspiration, humor, love, courage, family, and so on.
I’d love to feature your non-human family members. See the PetStack web page and the PetStack About page on how to submit your stories and images.
I’m an ardent believer that you should be in control of what streams to your inbox. You won’t be automatically enrolled in PetStack as a reader of Like People, Like Pets. I will, however, beg ask you to also read and SUBSCRIBE to PetStack (it’s free)!