When we were last looking to adopt a dog, I fell in love with one who was being fostered through a local rescue. I went through the adoption application process, including a home visit (which gave me plenty of anxiety!) and waited to hear if we would get to meet her. Despite being a longtime pet owner, we were denied! I was disappointed, but the rescue explained that they didn’t feel our home was the best fit. We live in a townhouse with a small yard. This dog was large and rambunctious, she needed a bigger yard with a taller fence. They genuinely wanted to set the dog up for success, and I totally respected that. And we went on to find the perfect dog for us at the Humane Society❤️ Not every good dog is a good fit.
I appreciate this story. Your acceptance of the rescue's rejection in service to their mission to find the right fit for dog and family is not always received well. I'm glad you found the the perfect dog!
Cindy, such a caring story. It must be enormously difficult to see the unexpected truths in people’s lives, and to deal with the disappointment you must feel. Thank you for sharing your story, and the important links.💕
I'm glad it didn't take them longer to return Aristotle, and I hope he found a home that was right for him soon.
When we were last looking to adopt a dog, I fell in love with one who was being fostered through a local rescue. I went through the adoption application process, including a home visit (which gave me plenty of anxiety!) and waited to hear if we would get to meet her. Despite being a longtime pet owner, we were denied! I was disappointed, but the rescue explained that they didn’t feel our home was the best fit. We live in a townhouse with a small yard. This dog was large and rambunctious, she needed a bigger yard with a taller fence. They genuinely wanted to set the dog up for success, and I totally respected that. And we went on to find the perfect dog for us at the Humane Society❤️ Not every good dog is a good fit.
I appreciate this story. Your acceptance of the rescue's rejection in service to their mission to find the right fit for dog and family is not always received well. I'm glad you found the the perfect dog!
Thank you, Cindy, for using this story to help illustrate and educate about such an important topic.
Thank you for sharing it!
Cindy, such a caring story. It must be enormously difficult to see the unexpected truths in people’s lives, and to deal with the disappointment you must feel. Thank you for sharing your story, and the important links.💕
I hope we get to a point where we can be honest with ourselves and others. It would be so much more effective and efficient!