That's a lot of label reading! I've had to count calories for Midnight, although his problem is too little for his ever-hungry thyroid. He eats twice as much as Snickers and weighs 3/4 of his weight. We haven't been able to get him to keep weight on. As a result, he is quite vocal!
Our vet gave us a formula, so you’re correct! I had to read the label and do the math. He’s lost one whole pound and counting. Is Midnight hyperthyroid? Kitties get pretty amped up with that condition.
I say 149. Now, I'll check the answer in your follow-up post. [crossed fingers enoji]
I'm happy for the shoutout above! [smiley face emoji]
(Can we actually add emojis here?)
Good guess and good question. I know the answer to the first but not the second!
Jasper Kitten guesses 97 kibbles. Chris guesses 134. The end.
Chris is in the lead! Go Critters! Thanks for guessing. I knew I could "count" on you!
Chris has to count his calories. 282 k/cal per day. Full stop.:)
They must spend a lot of time at carnivals! Do they like jelly beans?!
Jelly beans are not in their life experience!
That's a lot of label reading! I've had to count calories for Midnight, although his problem is too little for his ever-hungry thyroid. He eats twice as much as Snickers and weighs 3/4 of his weight. We haven't been able to get him to keep weight on. As a result, he is quite vocal!
Our vet gave us a formula, so you’re correct! I had to read the label and do the math. He’s lost one whole pound and counting. Is Midnight hyperthyroid? Kitties get pretty amped up with that condition.
He is a vocalist for sure. My friend wonders if under that black cloak is a Siamese in hiding! Her’s is a talker.
I had a guess of 130 in my head. So close!
Gold stars for your guess! Pretty darn close.