Very interesting read, Cindy. I like the parallel between pets and kids and both needing a safe space. I guess everyone needs a safe space, really. We have a dog for a year now, also a rescue. He was in a foster home for the first 9 weeks before he came to us and we underestimated how overstimulated he had been... let's just say it hasn't been an easy year. I have been thinking of making a small space for him under the stairs where he can still see and hear us but will be "closed in" on all sides except one (the space under the stairs is small, though large enough for him to stand and move around, but not closed).

Now, the kitten that brought me to you 🙂... This stays between us 😉 but I am smitten. He is now in the care of a neighbour while we are on holidays and when we come back my parents will take him back. The thing is there is already an older (female) cat at the farm and he would not be taken inside the house, plus my parents are not there full time... Basically, I am actually entertaining the thought of keeping him. The problem is that, aside from the fact that we have a dog as mentioned above, we actually live in Poland (we are currently in Portugal on holidays and visiting my family) and we would need to fly the kitten back with us.

I'm not sure why I am telling you this, to be honest. You don't know me and you are possibly not even in the same continent as me 😆. I'm sorry to burden you with my silly story. I guess I just need to share what I am thinking with someone that has experience with pets and maybe you can tell me I'm crazy, and should just leave the kitten with my parents, where he will be well cared for.

Right... I'll finish now...

I think it's amazing what you do. Thank you!

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I appreciate the sharing of your story. Decisions about pets are not easy, especially when they capture our hearts. You are doing amazing things with your dog. Adapting your home to suit his needs is an admirable trait. Your patience and love will be rewarded! One of our toughest foster dogs to break of fear is now living his best life with a patient, kind family. It took a few years to get him out of his shell, but he now shines. I wish this for you and your pup. As for the kitten, listen to your heart and intuition. Ask yourself where will it be that he thrives the best and where you will feel most comfortable knowing he is living. Best wishes.

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I am encouraged by that story, thank you, Cindy. It reassures me that 1 year is in fact not that long and that our dog is still growing up and maturing.

As for the kitten... yes, I need to consider what is best for him. Being free to roam on a farm might be a better life for him than having to share our home (even if we do have quite a big garden) with our dog who is himself a handful.

Luckily I have some time to think about it and decide. And perhaps I should also consult my husband 😉

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So interesting! My son is only 7-months old so we haven't gotten into the "timeout" stage yet, but I think our of "safe space" right now as a mindset. I notice how quickly he's able to pick up on my energy - if I'm stressed, he's tesnse. When I'm relaxed, he's happy and calm! I guess this is all to say that as a stay at home mom, making sure that I'm in a good headspace throughout the day helps facilitate a safe space for my son! I'm sure I'll soon discover other factors that play into this as he grows and develops, but for now we're using this as our baseline! :)

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Wow. I wish you had been my parent! He's lucky that you are focusing on connection as a form of caring, and not just basic needs. Yes, many other factors will begin to play in the field as he grows. Such a good mindset is important for all of you!

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