So wise and well said. As you know, we adopted a new dog in November. The first three days were ridiculous. The next three weeks were slightly less ridiculous. We're looking forward to the three-month mark. As they say, the three benchmarks for adopted dogs is 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months. We can already see her settling in but we all have a way to go. Yet, every week is a little better and when we look back, our whole experience with her is dramatically better than just a few weeks ago. In our minds, we know we're good pet parents. She knows nothing about that or us. Time, patience, consistency.
She’s lucky to have your patience and kind soul! Report in on the 3 month mark. It may be true. It may take longer. I’ll know she’ll get there and you’ll be there with her.
The kitties had the downstairs to themselves, and I used to run with a ribbon to engage them. I also provided treats. They came up to meet the Disgusting Dogs as they were comfortable.
Then These Established Kitties had to meet New Dogs. The reverse; the dogs had their own areas and were introduced to the sort of alarmingly bold kitties.
Now, everyone together all the time. With places to go to get a break from each other.
Also, I still run (kind of) with ribbons, or trail the Cat Dancer all over.
So wise and well said. As you know, we adopted a new dog in November. The first three days were ridiculous. The next three weeks were slightly less ridiculous. We're looking forward to the three-month mark. As they say, the three benchmarks for adopted dogs is 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months. We can already see her settling in but we all have a way to go. Yet, every week is a little better and when we look back, our whole experience with her is dramatically better than just a few weeks ago. In our minds, we know we're good pet parents. She knows nothing about that or us. Time, patience, consistency.
She’s lucky to have your patience and kind soul! Report in on the 3 month mark. It may be true. It may take longer. I’ll know she’ll get there and you’ll be there with her.
Will report back!
Congratulations on being a finalist in the Dog Writers Association awards! Fingers crossed that you win!
I appreciate the support and positive energy on my behalf!
The kitties had the downstairs to themselves, and I used to run with a ribbon to engage them. I also provided treats. They came up to meet the Disgusting Dogs as they were comfortable.
Then These Established Kitties had to meet New Dogs. The reverse; the dogs had their own areas and were introduced to the sort of alarmingly bold kitties.
Now, everyone together all the time. With places to go to get a break from each other.
Also, I still run (kind of) with ribbons, or trail the Cat Dancer all over.
I can easily imagine you running down the hall with ribbons and cat dancers because I do that on a daily basis! keeps us young!
Thank you for the shoutout, Cindy. You are a caring soul, evident in your writing and your actions.